Happy Thanksgiving everyone! As we celebrate this favorite holiday, we will be raising our glasses and giving thanks for you; our dear readers, members, collaborators and friends. Whether we’ve gotten to know you well, or we just know that you’re out there reading, to us you have all become like an extended family – the kind that makes you feel like we’re part of something bigger, and something worthwhile. We are honored to have you in the Junebug family, and incredibly grateful for the love, support and inspiration you give us, just by being you. So thank you. And since we can’t hug you one by one in person, we’re sending you big Thanksgiving love in the form of these fabulous photos…
joyful wedding photo by Marianne Taylor Photography
joyful wedding photo by Sarah DiCicco Photography
joyful wedding photo by Paco and Betty
joyful wedding photo by Caroline Tran Photography
joyful wedding photo by Viera Photographics
joyful wedding photo by Still Motion Photo and Cinema Wedding Photographers
joyful wedding photo by Cheri Pearl Photography
joyful wedding photo by Renato dPaula Photography
joyful wedding photo by Francesco De Tito Photography
joyful wedding photo by Erik Clausen Photography
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday weekend, and we’ll see you back here on Monday!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!! By the way, great photos shown to express happiness….
I love the first photo and then the one with the mum and bride.
Wow! Great post and amazing photos, full of happiness… Happy Holidays!!!