If you’re like most brides these days, the Internet is your best friend. You’re reading blogs and searching the Internet for inspiration, shopping online for wedding gifts and decor, comparing vendor’s websites to find your perfect professional match, and you have ideas, images, fashion options and urls coming out your ears. How in the world do you keep track of all of that?
Well, Domino Magazine, the fabulous “Guide to Living with Style”, has a fun option on their website that just might do the trick. Domino’s Deco File feature allows you to save images from nearly any website directly to your own personal image library, and although it was designed to keep track of decorating ideas, I think it could be fantastically useful for wedding planning as well. Save images and products from any source that inspires you and organize them by topic into individual books to refer back to, to share with your friends, or to make public for other Domino readers to enjoy. You can even upload photos already saved on your computer or send in images from your cell phone. Scope out the other public Deco Books for more gorgeous eye candy and take advantage of the stunning decor and paint color palettes from Domino Magazine itself. To be both organized and inspired, what bride wouldn’t love that?
Such a good idea Christy! The little picture grabber tool is great. Can’t you imagine such a lovely wedding with a pale blue/silver/white color theme inspired by the 1st 4 photos (after the screenshot) you have in the post? Dreamy!
I actually use Microsoft OneNote for that very reason. It’s great because I can have seperate tabs for each thing (i.e. one for flowers, one for table decorations, one for cake, etc.) and It has an awesome screen clipping feature so you can steal almost anything off the internet and you can set it to keep track of where the clipping came from if you are so inclined.
What a good idea, Domino is one of my favorites. I could look at their website all day long. That photo of the people climbing the frame wall is amazing!